Theme Giant Tulip Bulb – the Heart of the village

This Giant Tulip Bulb, commissioned by the shopkeepers association of Lisse ‘het Dorpshart’ (stands for heart of the village), contains 2 elements: (local) shopping and the village of Lisse. On the bulb you walk along a museum wall, as it were, with various paintings of landscapes or buildings in and around Lisse. You will also see all kinds of things that refer to the shopping area in which the bulb is located. If you get lost, you can use the signposts to see where the different parts in the village center (the Kanaalstraat, the Blokhuis, ‘t Vierkant or the Heereweg) can be found.

Reuzenbol 'Dorpshart' - Lisette Hogewoning
Reuzenbol 'Dorpshart' - Lisette Hogewoning
Reuzenbol 'Dorpshart' - Lisette Hogewoning
Reuzenbol 'Dorpshart' - Lisette Hogewoning

Kunstenaar – Lisette Hogewoning

Lisette Hogewoning paints, draws and makes paper-art portraits. She was educated at the Wackers Academy in Amsterdam. Lisette has won many (incentive) awards and in 2019 one of her paper-art paintings had the honor to be exhibited in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

To see her work:

Adopted by

This Giant Tulip Bulb is adopted by Ondernemersvereniging Dorpshart Lisse


This Giant Tulip Bulb is located in the centre of Lisse (crossing Kanaalstraat/Kapelstraat/Meer en Houtstraat)