Theme Giant Bulb – Langeveld
This Giant Tulip Bulb was commissioned by various entrepreneurs who want to emphasize the history, but especially the vitality of the agricultural sector in the area Langeveld, Noordwijk. The activity there consists of growers of potted bulbs and perennials, there are cows and there is a glider airfield. The lady who jumps over the cow convinces with vitality, her nostalgic clothes refer to the romantic past. The cow’s legs stand between exotic perennials (Hemerocallis). We see mating oystercatchers, which ensure the meadow birds in the future. In the sky flies a black-tailed godwit and a drone. On the ground is a hare among the tulips. Above that, sowing is done with an old-fashioned sowing machine versus a modern tractor. You can also see the former goat breeding farm with the legendary figure: Toop van Na. The glider airfield in the dune area is teeming with fallow deer. The pot plants with hyacinths, grape hyacinths and daffodils are also represented.
Artist – Nicoline Heemskerk
Nicoline is born in Sassenheim (1967) but lives in Warmond now, where she also has her painting studio at the Veerpolder 59. She studied drawing/painting at the Wackers Academy in Amsterdam (1994-1999). Nicoline was a fulltime illustrator at the design studio of Royal Sanders in Leiden and started her own business as a professional artist/illustrator. Her work is colorful and figurative.
To see her work:

Adopted by
This Giant Tulip Bulb has been adopted by ‘Agrarisch Noordwijk’.
This Giant Tulip Bulb is located at Wilgendam, Noordwijk