Theme Giant Bulb – Happy in Holland

Just like flower fields, the Giant Tulip Bulb “Happy in Holland” by Alida van Leeuwen is divided into brightly colored areas. Alida likes to use colors that make her happy and she wants to convey this feeling wholeheartedly with her bulb. Colors can both display and influence emotions. The purpose of her artwork is to “Delight and Amaze”, a description that applies to much of her work.
Alida herself has modeled for the smiling person with hat. Because of the colors in the face, it has become a gender-neutral person. The complexion of the skin and hair color are diverse, just as everyone in the world around us looks different. Of course, the tulips also have various colors, just like the sky, the ground and the reflection of the ambient colors in the originally white car. The car symbolizes the many tourists who come to visit the Bollenstreek region during the flower bulb season and therefore cause long traffic jams. But also, for the cars that participate in the flower parade, also known as “the most beautiful traffic jam in the world”. The tulip bulb has a golden top as the crowning glory of, and at, the artwork.

Reuzenbol 'Blij in de bollenstreek' - Alida van Leeuwen
Reuzenbol 'Blij in de bollenstreek' - Alida van Leeuwen
Reuzenbol 'Blij in de bollenstreek' - Alida van Leeuwen
Reuzenbol 'Blij in de bollenstreek' - Alida van Leeuwen

Artist – Alida van Leeuwen

Alida van Leeuwen has as life goal to do every day as many fun things as possible. Cheerfulness and creativity are her number 1. She is extremely versatile. Her head is overflowing with ideas, and she is always short of time. In addition to inventing and making art herself, she manages various exhibition locations, organizes art events, and manages the regional art collective “KuCo” . From 2016 to 2019 she was the village poet of Lisse. In addition to her artistic side, she is a psychologist specialized in gelotology, the science of laughter (

To see her work:

Adopted by

This Giant Tulip Bulb has been adopted by Compagnon, Zoetermeer


This Giant Tulip Bulb is located at Have Fun Events, Jacoba van Beierenweg 97A, Voorhout