Theme Giant Bulb – Bulbs and construction
This Giant Tulip Bulb stands out because of the enormous deep red tulips, the so-called ‘Prominence’ with the typical black heart with a white edge. Recognizable buildings from the Bulbregion are painted on the horizon: the town hall of Lisse, the Pavilion in Keukenhof and Mariënhaven in Warmond (the artist’s residence), all built or renovated by Bouwbedrijf Horsman & Co, who adopted this bulb.
Artist – Nicoline Heemskerk
Nicoline is born in Sassenheim (1967) but lives in Warmond now, where she also has her painting studio at the Veerpolder 59. She studied drawing/painting at the Wackers Academy in Amsterdam (1994-1999). Nicoline was a fulltime illustrator at the design studio of Royal Sanders in Leiden and started her own business as a professional artist/illustrator. Her work is colorful and figurative.
To see her work:
Adopted by
This Giant Tulip Bulb has been adopted by Horsman & co, Lisse
This Giant Tulip Bulb is located at Horsman & co, 2e Poellaan 12, Lisse