Theme Giant Tulip Bulb – All Seasons

This Giant Tulip Bulb contains images of tulips, daffodils and dahlias. These specific flowers are chosen to emphasize the variety and beauty of the flowers, which bloom in spring and autumn. In addition, they show the beauty of the seasons and represent planting and harvesting in the flower bulb sector.

FBT trades in flower bulbs and is an expert in the field of agricultural brokerage. Their expertise in mediating between growers and traders of flower bulbs is beautifully reflected in this colorful bulb, which shows growth and flowering. The giant bulb reminds everybody who passes the bulb of the rich tradition of flower bulbs. We can be proud of this!


Reuzenbol 'All Seasons' - Nicoline Heemskerk
Reuzenbol 'All Seasons' - Nicoline Heemskerk
Reuzenbol 'All Seasons' - Nicoline Heemskerk
Reuzenbol 'All Seasons' - Nicoline Heemskerk

Artist – Nicoline Heemskerk

Nicoline is born in Sassenheim (1967) but lives in Warmond now, where she also has her painting studio at the Veerpolder 59. She studied drawing/painting at the Wackers Academy in Amsterdam (1994-1999). Nicoline was a fulltime illustrator at the design studio of Royal Sanders in Leiden and started her own business as a professional artist/illustrator. Her work is colorful and figurative.

To see her work:

Adopted by

This Giant Tulip Bulb is adopted by FBT, Hillegom.



This Giant Tulip Bulb is located at FBT, Leidsestraat 170A, Hillegom.